
A list of anime with nude fanservice scences (with images)


A list of anime with uncensored & nude fanservice scences. (Fanservice compilation with images)

What is Fanservice Anime?

Fanservice (ファンサービス) is a very common element in Japanese anime. It refers to sexy scenes (usually of female characters), including nude scenes of breasts, buttocks, sometimes nipples, and even sex scenes. An animation that has lots of fanserivce in almost every episode can be called a “Fanservice Anime”. However, Fanservice is not eqaul to Hentai Anime, since it is impossible to see a woman’s vagina in detail in Fanservice Anime. Moreover, it is not necessary to show the nakedness to be considered as Fanservice Anime, but also a sexually suggestive scene can be considered as a Fanservice Anime.

In the best Fanservice Anime, girl’s nipples nipples are usually shown. In some cases, the nipples are covered by the “Holy Light” in the TV version, and then the uncensored version in the BD to reward their fans. Since the quality of the Fanservice is usually better than that of the Hentai Anime, some of the sequences are still “useful”.

IS〈Infinite Stratos〉 - S01E06 - Charlotte Dunois

What’re included in this list: TV Anime, OVA/OAD, Short-Animations, Animated Movies

What’re included not included in this list: Fan animation, in-game animation, Hentai Anime, Non-Japanese anime, Experimental works, Live-action dramas.

Because there are so many anime with explicit scenes that it would be impossible to count them all if you include panty and bathing suit reveals, this list is mainly for anime with “real nudity”. This is a list of “nude” anime, but anime with only one episode or a small part of an episode with actual nudity will also be included in this list.

Due to space constraints, there is a limit of three previews per anime, with priority given to those that actually show nipples and characters’ faces, even though other scences are often more eye-catching.

This list is best viewed on a computer. Hover or long-press on an image to see the character’s name and details of where the scene is from.

2020 ~ 2029 (Click the image)

2010 ~ 2019 (Click the image)

2000 ~ 2009 (Click the image)

1990 ~ 1999 (Click the image)

1980 ~ 1989 (Click the image)

1970 ~ 1979 (Click the image)

1960 ~ 1969